Sunday, December 12, 2010


Wedneday, Dec. 8th
Today, I went drove to the airport and waited for my flight! The trip down to Mexico was pretty uneventful. I arrived in Tuxtla at 9:30pm and Steven, Grace, and Katie picked me up and brought me here to the Terrell's home. I talked with Nathan about our plans while I am here then hit the bed!

Thursday, Dec. 9th
This morning we got up bright and early and headed out to the orphanage to work on the playset. It was so good to be back there and see the familiar faces of the children there. Of course the boys wanted to help us with construction which somewhat slowed down our progress. Gaby, Grace, and Katie watch the three girls while we worked.

Friday, Dec. 10th
Today, Nathan and I drove took the Yukon to the shop. That was quite an experience, driving across San Cristobal in a car by myself. Later on that day we worked around the house on several projects including installing shelves in kitchen cabinets for Julie.

Saturday, Dec. 11th
Today we did some more projects around the house as well as some welding. Katie, Gabi, Cloe, Brennah, and I went for a hike up the back of the property in the afternoon. After the girls went to bed, Katie and I played Scrabble while Nathan went to pick Julie up from the Airport.

Sunday, Dec. 12th
Today, Katie and I went to downtown San Cristobal to go to the market. We got to eat at Salsa Verde which is my favorite Mexican Restaurant. We hiked all the way up a million stairs to the catholic church. This was a difficult task since today was a special holiday honoring the Virgin Mary. There were hundreds of people trying to reach the top of the stairs as well. After Katie and I finished shopping and exploring San Cris we caught a cab back to the Terrell's house. Nathan and I worked on building a stocking hanger for the mantle. After the girls went to bed, Nathan and Julie went to the grocery store while Katie and I listened out for the kids.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Well, the day has finally come: The semester is over!!
Today, I have been packing for tomorrow I leave for Mexico!!
Needless to say, I cannot wait. I am truly looking forward to my time there.
That's about all I have to say.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


You know that feeling when you are working so hard on something like a million assignments, but after 4 whole days of working you still don't feel like you have accomplished anything? Well......... That is me at this very moment! I can't hardly see straight from staring at the computer screen for so long. But its just before midnight, so that means I probably have another 2 hours of work ahead of me.
I think I have come up with a strategy.
When you have a mountain of stuff that needs to be accomplished here's what I recommend doing:

-Make your "To Do" list as detailed as possible. If you have 9 of the same type of things to do, don't list them as one task. Make each one significant. That way when you finish one, you can feel the accomplishment of marking something off your list.
-Have some variety to your work. If you have a 3,000 word summary to write, don't try to finish it all at once. Break it up with some smaller task like writing out chapter key terms or a lesson plan.
-Pace yourself! be sure to give yourself plenty of time to accomplish everything you need to, but don't rush through it and do a sloppy job.
-Stay focus. 'Nuff Said. This one isn't easy. If it was, I wouldn't be writing this blog right now.
-Perseverance, Perseverance, Perseverance. You WILL accomplish everything. Just hang in there!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanks for Thanksgiving

I would like to thank my teacher, who has piled up so many assignments for me that I have pretty much been working from sunday until now. This is my second 2AM night in a row. The funny thing is that I am supposedly on Thanksgiving Break. I have made a list of everything (roughly) I have left to do:

-Book Report on a 400pg. Book
-Write 9 lesson plans
-Professional Reading #5
-Reading Chapter 11 Questions
-Methods Key Terms Ch. 9-14
-Special Education Reflection
-Special Education Summaries Ch. 10-12
-Bibliographies Part: F & G
-Big Book

Now, that may not sound that bad to you, but let me assure you it is very bad. On top of all this, I have to be sure I am ready for my test next week because they need to be good to help my grades. Tomorrow is a new day, and I shall see how much more I can accomplish.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away. That's What All My Haters Say

Well... Today has been, in one word: indescribable.
let just say, today was attack tommy day and everyone knew it but me.
That whole aspect of november, 16th kind of upset me. But what is there to be done about that? except to just roll with the punches.
Fortunately no matter how many people i seem to annoy, i still have a good friend. A good friend to tell about all my stress. That is very nice. Those kinds of friends are real. Keep them close.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Currently Untitled Post

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, and you get hit. Just take the walk and don't complain.
GOD works ALL things together for GOOD!
Always just try your best and leave God the rest.

The End is Near!

This semester has really flown by... most of the time at least.
I can't believe that we only have two weeks of classes left, separated by a whole week of thanksgiving.
By the grace of God, everything has worked out so far, my ticket is booked. I am heading to San Cristobal de las casas, Chiapas, Mexico on December 8th. That date cannot get here fast enough.
I started my new job yesterday at the church. I was a little unsure of how it would go, but I know that God has His master plan. I am really looking forward to working with the youth.
Even though I am praying these next three weeks fly by I hope to make a lot of great memories along the way.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chilly Chili's Night

Wow! Wednesday is already almost over! Today was pretty good too for the most part. I about had a mental breakdown in class. Silly me, I forgot my pencil. So my friend gave me a light blue pen which happened to be out of ink. I don't really have any idea why, but this about drove me insane. I was literally about to freak out! Tonight, I went with five other friends to eat dinner at chili's because we originally planned to go to the festival but it was cold and raining. While we were there the manager asked if we wanted chips, my awesome friend ask, "Are they free?" the manager said, "Yeah!" and my friend replied, "Well, YEAH!" Maybe you would have had to been there, but it was really funny!
Then, when we got back to the school, my other friend was walking and stepped right into a puddle that was about 3 inches deep.
Well, I am going to Mexico in just over a month! I'm so excited that this is actually working out.
God is Good

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


34... That number brings me so much hope, yet so much dread at the same time.
34 days until the end of the semester. We all know what that means, projects are due, assignments must be completed, observations are wrapping up and papers are being written. Lots and lots of papers.
Tomorrow is going to be Wednesday and I am festival hopeful. Then Thursday I will wrap up the week of classes and head home. Friday morning I get to go to the mountains of Northern Georgia with some really awesome people. I just hope that between now and then a lot of stuff get completed.
I have been trying, without much success, to plan myself a trip when school gets out in December, a month from now.
I really want to go back to Africa sometime, but there has been no answer. It's like I am knocking at the door and no one is answering. I wonder to myself if it is not in God's plan for me at this time.
Also, in a week and a half, I will start my new job at the church. I am really nervous about this because I feel inadequate, but God like to use the least likely, right?

I would like to take this time to apologize to a certain friend of mine. Today, I pulled a chair out from under her right as she was sitting down. The poor girl fell completely on the floor. Instantly,I felt like a horrible person.
So this is for you my friend.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sequences & Consequences

Today was kind of rough.
School was intense
and one of my friends was not getting along with me. I'm not sure what set our discourse into motion. I am pretty sure it was something that I said. A lot of times I have trouble saying things that I absolutely do not mean. People who know me really well learn to just look past those things. Some people don't know this, and they think I am serious about what I am saying to them. When really I am just being dumb. So, I am sorry for the things that I have said and will say. I do not mean them, most of the time. Well, I felt like a jerk.
I decided to go carve pumpkins with a friend, and what happens? I slice my thumb wide open. It still is bleeding profusely. I guess that is a natural consequence.
So, tomorrow I have to teach a reading lesson. Well, instead of preparing for that I carved pumpkins. Now, I have been scrambling, trying to pull something together to teach the kids tomorrow. The subject is sequencing. Which is where students arrange a story in order that it happens. Pretty simple, right?
Gentle readers, don't let the sun go down on your wrath. Be quick to forgive, and quicker to forget.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Something Good To See

This is so inspiring.

It nice to see someone in the spotlight not be afraid to state what they believe.
Sometimes, Christians would rather not talk about their faith in God. But here is someone who has influence over a large base of people, praising the name of Jesus.

"This is what I wholeheartedly believe,
and to that belief, I remain steadfast until He returns or calls me home."

Will you remain steadfast?

We've got the Power.

Each morning brings in a new day.
A new day to accomplish new goals.
Or in my case, to accomplish yesterday's goals.
Sometimes our days might not go exactly like we plan. And often people will say, "I am having a bad day." Yes, perhaps you are not the best day of your life. But do we let our circumstances determine the day we have? Or do we take control of the day and show it who's boss. Seriously, if you think about it, we do not have control over what happens to us, but we do have control over how we will respond to what happens to us.
Today, no matter what happens to you, remember that you have the power to react in a positive way and make the best of the day. God is on your side.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh, the Horror!

This is my life.

It is the way it is.
I don't have much more to say than that.

...Just kidding, I always have something to say, and for the first time I have decided to share that with the world. Well, at least make it available for the world to read.

One thing I have been pondering on lately is the idea of stress. I sure hate it as much as the next guy, but do you ever think about how simple, how boring life would be without our dear friend, stress?
Take it from me, I know what stress is and I have found that no matter how bad it seems, we are only given as much stress as we can handle. I don't know of many people who have so much stress that it drives them to complete insanity. I know that I have come close to that point on many occasions, and some would argue I might be insane. Seriously though, We can handle it, but we like to "stress" out about having stress. People, especially, Americans love to whine about their problems. I'm not judging, I could conceivably be the chief of the whines convention. I love to whine about school, not having money or time to do fun things, about how sad and pathetic my life is. But, good gracious. It is not that bad. It could be vastly different from how it is now. It could, my friends, be much worse. I could have been born in an impoverished country. I could have a crippling disability. I could not even be here right now. When I take those things into perspective, it makes me less likely to harp about my own problems.
Regardless of this, the chances are that most of my writings will be drenched in the stench of whine, whine, whine. Because it is what I like to do.
I would love to provide people with hope and encouragement through this blog, but who do you think I am? Delilah?