Monday, April 25, 2011

Final Countdown!

Just 2 more weeks of school. A mere 7 days of class left in this insane semester! Wow, has a lot happened! Since the beginning of the semester I have spent 3.5 weeks out of the country. 2.5 weeks in Costa Rica back in Jan/Feb and 1 week in Haiti over spring break. Both those trips happening during semester filled with an unbelievable amount of school work. But here we are, we've almost made it to the finish line. This time, week after next, I will be virtually free from school. Well, only until classes start back up for the month of June. Oh how I am looking forward to that short break from school. Moving out of the dorms, relaxing with friends and family, spending precious time at the lake. Honestly, I think these next two weeks will be the longest of my life as they are inching by. I know that looking back, however, will be evidence that time flies even when we think that it won't. Recently, I have tried to learn to cherish each and every moment, both the good and the bad. This isn't always as simple as it seems. I can't believe that this semester is almost over. Yes, it has been long and grueling some of the time. At the same time so many great memories have been made along the way. I can't believe that its already been three months since I was in Costa Rica, and three weeks since I was in Haiti. But it feels like I was just there.
Now, I am at the peak of the roller coaster. Unmoving, I'm looking down at the tracks below just before I take the plunge. I see these two weeks ahead, all the work that I have to do. I wonder how it will ever be accomplished. But yet, once the plunge is taken it will be over before I know it.

For now, I am setting my eyes on the goal.

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